Wednesday, January 05, 2011

A visit to Guayaquil - To Salinas and Back

The next day morning we started off to Salinas where there is a beach. The travel was a long one. We took a break in between to have some breakfast. We reached by noon and hired a Canopy to take shelter under from the sun.
Soon people were into the water and enjoying themselves. The water was very cold and there a wind was blowing. It was pretty cold if one stood above the water. The people enjoying themselves were accompanied by a group of seagulls. They moved in a dance like fashion over the people enjoying themselves, skimming the water and looking for something to feed on. It was nice to just stand in the water and observe them flying all around oneself.
The seagulls were joined by a couple of Pelicans. One of the Pelicans gave a breathtaking performance of how it dives into the water to capture its prey. It was a treat to watch them hunt for their food. The elegance with which they flew; the contortions that they went through to dive and fly close to the water and sometimes dive into it. Unfortunately I did not have the camera to capture them dive into the water. I could only capture them fly.
After an hour in the water we had our lunch on the beach and after the lunch we left the place back to Guayaquil. The return journey was equally uneventful.

Under the canopy on the beach

Enjoying the sea

One of the boats that dotted the beach

Enjoying the sea

Enjoying the sea

Enjoying on the beach

The Pelican

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