Thursday, January 06, 2011

A visit to Guayaquil - Malecon 2000

The Malecon 2000 is pier that was built around the year 2000. It is a long walk along the river Guayas. It is dotted with parks and amusements for the children. At the center is the Rotunda which houses the statues of Simon Bolivar and San Martin and commemorates the formation of Greater Columbia, which later split up.
We walked it at night and so were not able to enjoy the gardens as much, but we did see  and spend time at the Rotunda, before retiring for the night.

Boats anchored in the river

A dedication to the people who contributed to the building of the Malecon

A dedication to the people who contributed to the building of the Malecon

A train wagon with a restaurant in it

The Center Piece of the Malecon, the Rotunda with Simon Bolivar and San Martin

A boat on the River Guayas

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