My rating: 3 of 5 stars
It starts off with a Book exhibition in Russia. A publisher gets passed a set of notebooks to be passed on to another reluctant, absentee publisher by a beautiful. The books turn out to contain Russian military secrets written by a scientist friend of the beautiful lady. The books go on to describe how the armoury of Russia is filled with weapons which cannot hit their targets with the accuracy that it has been described to have.
This person gets in touch with the British Secret Service who trace out the reluctant absentee publisher and push him to go to Russia to ferret out the veracity of the books. The said publisher who has been on earlier trips to Russia goes there and falls in love with the lovely lady. He meets the scientist and validates the truth and goes back to England.
Now the Americans are interested in this and the whole armament industry is up in arms saying that this is not possible as it would mean end of their lucrative business. So they send out the reluctant publisher once more to get more details from the scientist.
The reluctant publisher goes to Russia once again and then comes the twist comes at the end of the novel.
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In the end the reluctant publisher defects to Russia to live with his new found lady love. The scientist is pronounced dead by the Russian bureaucracy, and reluctant publisher is shown moving to Libson, Portugal after a few years of defection and settling down there. As to what actually transpired and were the contents in the books genuine is left to speculation.
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