Thursday, January 06, 2011

A visit to Guayaquil - Observations about Guayaquil

What I found interesting in Guayaquil is that the shops had very colourful signboards. Not sure if many cities have this peculiarity, but it has been the first time that I have noticed and since I noticed it I have tried to capture them. Could not capture too many of them as we were in the bus and I could do so only when we were not moving very fast.

Sunset on the way back to Quito

Sunset on the way back to Quito

Herbie in Guayaquil

 One can see a lot of Volkswagen Beetle in both Quito and Guayaquil.

Guayaquil turned out to be a city, very different from Quito. There are not very many high rises in Guayaquil. Most buildings are about 3 stories high. And one glaring difference is that Guayaquil lacks the greenery that one gets to see everywhere in Quito.
A country side transport in Ecuador, akin to the autorickshaws in India.
A countryside transport for passengers in Ecuador made from a motorcyle
An autorickshaw from India

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