Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo

Finished reading the Millenium trilogy by Steig Larsson. Three wonderful books from a master of crime fiction. Steig Larsson excels in all the three books. One cannot but keep reading the books till they are finished. Very difficult not to wonder what is going happen next to the Lisbeth Salander, Micheal Blomkvist at the end of each page.
If one has ever been to Stockholm one would enjoy these books all the more as the whole books are centered in and around Stockholm. One gets the feeling of walking around Stockholm as one reads the books. The last books has some parts played out in Gothenburg and the first one the action is around Hedestad near Stockholm.
The first one traces how Micheal Blomkvist with the help of Listbeth Salander solves an unsolved mystery of a murder which is about 40 years old.
The second covers teenage prostitution run by immigrants from erstwhile communist countries who have taken refuge in Sweden and ends with an encounter of Listbeth Salander with her father.
The third starts off from where the second left off and traces how Lisbeth Salander's father was protected by a secret group within the all powerful Sapo, the secret police of Sweden.

The three must be read one after the other and one feels no loss of connectivity as one reads them.
The first book was called Män som hatar kvinnor – "Men Who Hate Women" in Swedish.
The second book was called Flickan som lekte med elden - "The Girl who played with Fire" in Swedish
The third book was called Luftslottet som sprängdes - "The Air Castle that was blown up"



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