Wednesday, April 21, 2010

GIDS (Greater Indian Developer Summit)

Not sure if that means the summit is great or the Indian Developer is great. :-) I know for sure the later is not true and the former I have to experience yet.
I have another 40 minutes to go before the summit begins for me. The summit started yesterday and it was a .Net day yesterday the 20th of April. Did not register for this as I have been in the Java world for too long now. Not that I have not dabbled around, but not enough.
Today the 21st of April 2010 is a day of the web. I have planned to attend the following sessions:
A comparison of Approaches to Buiding with RIA and AJAX
The changing face of the Web Application
Simulating new generation mobile applications.
Web 2.0 - Deconstructing modern websites
Choosing an AJAX/JavaScript Toolkit
Working together to improve our Profession
Hadoop divide and conquer
NoSQL: The shift to non relational world
Lizard Braing web design

Will keep posting details of the session as I get time.

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