Sunday, April 04, 2021

Harappa: Curse of the Blood River by Vineet Bajpai

Harappa: Curse of the Blood RiverHarappa: Curse of the Blood River by Vineet Bajpai
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The era when Mohenjadaro was a thriving civilization. The chief priest of Harappa is about to be accepted as the Eighth Rishi making the Saptarishi as Ashtarishi. Fate wills otherwise.
There is enough intrigue that happens.
Switch to the 21str century, a suave IT professional running a IT security company is called to Varanasi to meet his dying great grandfather who reveals the entire story of Mohenjadaro to him and hints that he is the Rishi who due to intervention of fate had lost out being the eighth rishi in the Saptarishi mandala and he is here for a mission which is about the begin.
There are references to the Church intervening to prevent the Rishi from succeeding and many other conspiracy theories.
The book ends with the Rishi in Harappa standing up literally like a hero in the Indian movie injured hurt, thrashed, but standing up to fight against all odds. He is fighting everyone in Harappa and the mighty river Sarawathi who is threatening to wipe out the entire civilisation.

A decent read.

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