Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Effective Java - Programming Language Guide by Joshua Bloch

Effective Java(tm) Programming Language GuideEffective Java(tm) Programming Language Guide by Joshua Bloch
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Another good book from Joshua Bloch. Gives lots of tips on how one should write good and right code in Java. This is a precursor to Java Puzzlers which is more about how one can introduce subtle errors in Java unwittingly.
Although the book is based on JDK 1.4 (the edition that I read was the older edition the newer edition has been upgraded to include topics like generics) most of what has been mentioned is relevant even for JDK 1.7.
Most of these rules/best practices have found their way into static code checking tools like PMD. But it would be a mistake to assume that if one is using a static checking code one need not go through the book.

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